“Racist Anti-racism”

I want to begin by saying that I have such a long way to go here.

I grew up White in a small Arizona town. I didn’t begin to comprehend Whiteness and white privilege until five years ago. I’m 62 years old. I feel deeply uncomfortable investigating my racism and talking about racism. I’m not good at it. Oh well.

If you, like me, want to educate yourself, I found this post helpful. In her post, Katie Anthony, a White woman, explains why good White women’s common responses on social media to incidents such as the one in Central Park on May 25th are actually racist anti-racism. Then Katie tells us what to say instead: “I’m sorry.” “I see you.” “That’s awful.”

The book she recommends, So You Want to Talk about Race, is available here.

I’m sorry. I see you. That’s awful.

Healing is often uncomfortable. So be it.
